Olive Flower Essence

Hands up if you have been feeling physically exhausted lately, even though you may have taken some time to rest. I can assure you that you are not the only one with your hands up, and it’s not surprising.  We are trying to navigate the (not so) normal life, while still taking on the pace we had pre pandemic. The good news is mother nature has provided us with safe, subtle yet powerful plant medicine like flower essences that can support us.

This flower essence has come up quite a bit lately with my clients. You may be familiar with it, as it’s one of the 38 Bach flower remedies.




Inner strength, both mentally and physically.

A new awareness of feelings and needs of your body.

A deeper understanding that healing does not just happen within your body, but one’s state of mind.

Balance within body, mind and soul.

Sense of renewal, rest, restores energy reserves.

Vibrancy for life.


Physical and mental exhaustion.

Resistance to deep rest.

Feeling like every day is a struggle.  

Weariness, fatigue.

Energy imbalance.

Exhaustion after prolonged struggle with illness.


A beautiful way you can use Olive Flower Essence is adding it to your Epsom salts bath, sit back and enjoy  its restoring benefits. This takes your self care to whole new level.

Olive Flower essence is your permission slip to take a deep breathe, welcome rest, restored energy and vitality . Your mind, body and soul will thank you.

Like to learn more about flower essences, how they can best support you and get a personalised flower essence blend made just for you. Why not book in a session with me, and together we can explore the world of flowers, I would love to work with you.

With love

Tracy xx

Tracy is a qualified Flower Essence Practitioner, Internationally Certified Life and Health Coach , yoga teacher and youth mentor. You can also find Tracy at www.tulipsandtuxedos.com


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