The Link Between Gut & Sleep
Emily May Emily May

The Link Between Gut & Sleep

It’s well established how important a good night of sleep is for our overall physical, mental and emotional wellbeing. I’m sure you’ve experienced the brain fog, fatigue and lack of concentration that follows a night of restless sleep.

The microbial cells in our digestive system (also known as the gut microbiome) have a large role in supporting our overall health and wellbeing, as they absorb nutrients from the food we eat, produce immune system molecules, influence metabolism, and produce neurotransmitters and other key molecules for our health. Put simply, the more diverse the microbiome, the better your overall health.

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Your Second Brain
Shanna Choudhary Shanna Choudhary

Your Second Brain

You may have you heard about the gut-brain connection, or heard the gut being referred to as our ‘second brain’. But what if I were to tell you that you could fundamentally change your mental health and how you feel, by treating your gut?

Sounds “out there”, doesn’t it...

But if you’ve ever “followed your gut”,

had “butterflies” in your tummy from excitement,

or a “knot” in the pit of your stomach when you’ve been worried,

a “gut-wrenching” experience,

“lost your appetite”,

found yourself “hangry” (being a moody-chops because you haven’t eaten in a while),

or had the proverbial “s**ts” with something;
then you’ve experienced the gut-brain connection first-hand, and can probably conceptualise how inextricably linked our gut, mood, and emotions are.

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Never Tried Acupuncture? Here are 10 reasons why you should.
Acupuncture Wesley Smith Acupuncture Wesley Smith

Never Tried Acupuncture? Here are 10 reasons why you should.

1. Acupuncture promotes a state of relaxation

Do you ever feel there are just not enough hours in the day to meet the demands of work, family, and self-care? Are you operating in a state of chronically high stress? Acupuncture can switch on your body’s relaxation pathways and retrain your body and mind in how to relax.

2. Acupuncture can help improve sleep

Acupuncture treats the root cause of what is causing the insomnia and actually benefits your overall health at the same time as well as restoring restful, reliable sleep patterns.

3. Acupuncture can boost your energy

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What Is Histamine Intolerance, Could It Be The Cause Of Your Gut Symptoms?
Gut Health Emily May Gut Health Emily May

What Is Histamine Intolerance, Could It Be The Cause Of Your Gut Symptoms?

You’ve probably heard of the molecule histamine in relation to allergies and hayfever symptoms. However, histamine serves as more than just a trigger for these conditions. It also functions as a neurotransmitter, playing a role in various bodily processes such as sleep/wake cycles, alertness, arousal, appetite regulation, stress resistance, and anxiety reduction. Additionally, histamine aids in stomach acid production, blood vessel dilation, intestinal muscle contractions, memory, learning, and other vital functions.

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How Is Your Energy Feeling?
Tracy Absolom Tracy Absolom

How Is Your Energy Feeling?

Hi there beautiful soul, how is your energy feeling?

Your energy is sacred and needs constant attention and protection.

Here are some ways that I find so supportive when it comes to nurturing and protecting our energy.

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You Are Designed To Heal
Wesley Smith Wesley Smith

You Are Designed To Heal

Take you mind back to your childhood and remember all the cuts and scrapes you had, possibly even the bones you broke and the childhood illnesses you navigated. There may be the odd scar here that serve as testament to your healing prowess.

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Acupuncture Demystified
Wesley Smith Wesley Smith

Acupuncture Demystified

Because acupuncture originated in China, a culture so distinctly different to our own, there is so much that can be ‘lost in translation’. So, let’s clear up some of those key misconceptions.

Acupuncture works on the nerves. True or False?

An acupuncturist’s goal is to restore balance to your vital force (‘chi’ in Chinese). Think of your body as a landscape covered by an interconnected river system. In acupuncture these rivers are called ‘meridians’ and instead of carrying water they carry your vitality. Acupuncture points act like gates controlling the flow of this precious vitality.

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Reiki - Energy Healing
Tracy Absolom Tracy Absolom

Reiki - Energy Healing

When it comes to our wellness journey, we do things like eat healthy, move our bodies, have a massage and meditate just to name a few. While all of these are absolutely wonderful and nourishing for us. We can often miss the one thing I believe we have ignored and become disconnected to for a long time. Healing our energy. We are energy, we are nature and in order for us to be all we can be here in this life time. Our energy needs to be nurtured, loved and supported.

This is where Reiki can be a beautiful safe and gentle energy healing modality to weave into your wellness toolkit.

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Wesley Smith Wesley Smith


Spring in Canberra is a glorious time, with delicate blossoms and sunny wattle putting on a show, the days lengthening and warming up. Except, of course, if you’re a hayfever sufferer, in which case sneezes, red sniffly noses and teary eyes are the norm. If you’re one of the unlucky 15% or so who suffers from hayfever there are things you can do other than hide in your room, to ease the discomfort.

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Manage Your Pain With Traditional Chinese Medicine
Tanya Graham Tanya Graham

Manage Your Pain With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) considers pain to be caused by the lack of free flow of qi and/or blood. To put it simply, when the qi and blood move freely, there is no pain. Unfortunately, the flow of qi and blood can become inhibited at any and every area of the body. The internal organs, joints and ligaments, muscles can all be affected by qi and blood stagnation. What causes the stagnation?

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You’ve tried Physiotherapy. But have you worked with a Holistic Physiotherapist?
Holistic Physiotherapy Jo Hadley Holistic Physiotherapy Jo Hadley

You’ve tried Physiotherapy. But have you worked with a Holistic Physiotherapist?

I am a physiotherapist with over 30 years of experience. My work and techniques are constantly evolving, as I hope I am also personally always changing and evolving. Our physical form and state of health is dependent on our being in balance physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. What happens to us changes what happens within us. Physical symptoms can be blocks from unprocessed/unresolved energies from mental, emotional or spiritual origin.

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Have the Winter Blues? These Flower Essences can help you.
Tracy Absolom Tracy Absolom

Have the Winter Blues? These Flower Essences can help you.

We are very fortunate here in Canberra to see the sun and some blue skies during the winter season, even though it can get very cold.

However, we can find ourselves feeling less energetic, our mood shifts and we just feel generally run down.

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