Attachment or Authenticity; which would you choose?
Kate Pamphilon Kate Pamphilon

Attachment or Authenticity; which would you choose?

As we stand as adults, attempting to do this ‘adulting thing’, you may wonder why sometimes you just don’t feel much like an adult. It’s strange to think that, once, we were the child whose main concern was when we’d next be hanging out with our friends or, were the lyrics to the Eurythmics’ song really “sweet dreams are made of cheese”? The echoes of such thoughts and feelings are still relevant now during adulting, though somewhere along the line you learnt to sing the correct lyric despite every ounce of your vocal cellular memory desperately holding onto the word cheese.

This is exactly my point, though. No, not cheese—the memories our bodies hold and the connection the body has with the mind, emotions and the environment we were raised in which includes homelife and your wider community.

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You Are Designed To Heal
Wesley Smith Wesley Smith

You Are Designed To Heal

Take you mind back to your childhood and remember all the cuts and scrapes you had, possibly even the bones you broke and the childhood illnesses you navigated. There may be the odd scar here that serve as testament to your healing prowess.

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You’ve tried Physiotherapy. But have you worked with a Holistic Physiotherapist?
Holistic Physiotherapy Jo Hadley Holistic Physiotherapy Jo Hadley

You’ve tried Physiotherapy. But have you worked with a Holistic Physiotherapist?

I am a physiotherapist with over 30 years of experience. My work and techniques are constantly evolving, as I hope I am also personally always changing and evolving. Our physical form and state of health is dependent on our being in balance physically, mentally, emotionally & spiritually. What happens to us changes what happens within us. Physical symptoms can be blocks from unprocessed/unresolved energies from mental, emotional or spiritual origin.

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Acupuncture, Womens Health Sally Nourse Acupuncture, Womens Health Sally Nourse


The condition of ‘morning sickness’ is a misnomer. It can in fact strike at any time, day or night, sometimes constantly. It is often described as a terrible hangover that never relents, car sickness or food poisoning that doesn’t get better. It is experienced mostly in the early stages of pregnancy between six and sixteen weeks, although for some unfortunate women it can be a constant until they reach full term. It is thought that this often-debilitating condition is caused by the huge surge of circulating hormones. Stress and fatigue are also thought to be contributing factors. Symptoms include nausea

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What the Location of Your Headache Reveals About Your Health
Headaches, Acupuncture, Pain Wesley Smith Headaches, Acupuncture, Pain Wesley Smith

What the Location of Your Headache Reveals About Your Health

Where is your headache? You might not have stopped to ask but it’s one of the first questions an acupuncturist will ask you as it reveals so much about the cause of your pain.

One of the gems of wisdom that comes from Chinese Medicine is the understanding of the link between areas of the body and the internal organs like the liver, heart and kidneys. Each of the 12 main organs in the Chinese Medicine system is allocated an area of influence in the body as depicted by the meridian system.

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