Are You In A Manifesting Rut?


Life can be stressful so it's no wonder it's sometimes hard to muster energy for personal evolution. The modern western self help merry go round tricks us into thinking that we always have to be 'living our purpose' to be experiencing the ultimate state of life: 'happiness'.


While I'm weaning myself off buying into that philosophy and instead learning to love and accept all the cycles and seasons of life, there's also part of me that loves learning new things, working towards goals, and feeling like I'm making a positive difference in my own life and the lives of others.


But in striving for goals we can start to feel a little like Goldilocks sometimes. We can have periods of too little motivation or sometimes place ourselves under so much stress to achieve that we burn out. When these states happen, our goals can feel unobtainable, constantly out of reach or impossible.


When we're working towards something we want there's both practical and energetic considerations to take into account. Even though our minds might tell us we 'deserve' a better life, we have the capability to achieve or that we 'can' live our dreams, our unconscious beliefs and internal safety brakes often switch on to prevent us from trying on new or unfamiliar states or ways of being.


Unconscious beliefs are tricky to uncover with our minds - they are often responses we programmed in before our minds were fully developed and as such they've been locked in and away, deep in the mind.


Unconscious beliefs often drive our behaviour without our conscious awareness, for some this can feel like self-sabotage but really it's just our most primitive parts doing what they think is best to keep up safe and alive. The problem is this might not align with the vision of what you would like your life to look and feel like in your mind.


Bringing the mind and body into alignment


One way to access these unconscious beliefs is to circumvent the mind and explore with our bodies and our senses. There's so much wisdom in our tissues, that again, is often more distant from our conscious awareness. But there are also wonderful ways to connect with and explore, befriend or release these beliefs with 'somatic' practices.


When we work from the body - it's a bottom up approach. We discover and embody a sense of safety there first, which then allows our minds to release their past learning. We call these 'dis-confirming experiences' and it's through these that we create new neural pathways that help lead us to feel safe living the life we can 'see' in our minds.


Along with freeing us up to step into our dream lives, somatic Psychotherapy can help with reducing anxiety, resolving past trauma, increasing self awareness, reducing self criticism and freedom from your inner critic, and enjoying more harmonious relationships in life.


If you'd like to explore somatic approaches to uncovering your blocks and living your best life, consider booking a 90 minute Single Discovery Session (investment $120).


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